This club will involve a lot of public speaking practice by you with constructive feedback from Kate and your fellow participants. And then more practice!
We do many clubs that revolve around public speaking, especially with Kate, a fantastic speaker and public speaking coach. This club will involve lots of actual practice! What are your public speaking strengths? What points can you improve upon? You may have your own responses to this but there's nothing quite as effective as speaking in front of a group of your peers and getting their honest feedback, so let's do that!
In this club, you'll all get up and speak. And then we'll all give each other constructive feedback. Kate will also give her feedback. And then you'll get up and speak again and the circle of mutual support and overcoming challenges will continue!
Let's speak in front of each other. Let's support each other and help each other. Let's practice not only public speaking and feedback-giving skills, but let's also benefit from fresh perspectives on strengths and pain points and act on them right away. Let's have an awesome public speaking workshop!